These are such beautiful words. You've really captured what this moment feels like and I felt myself reliving standing where you are now four (long) months ago. There have been so many times when I wondered if I made the right decision to go back to paid work when J was one. She still cries at every drop off. And also I know it's a huge luxury to even have that choice. I do know I left it far too late to put C in daycare and that trying to do full time parenting and work and study and volunteer and have a clean house nearly broke me! I've come to the conclusion that I can really only do three things. I can parent, do paid work, and write -- and that's it. My house is barely contained chaos, I don't do the volunteering I would love to do, and I probably won't finish the diploma I optimistically started in my first trimester with C (when I still thought a baby would slot neatly into my life haha). The only reason I'll have time to work on the garden this summer is that I'll have a break from paid work. Better to put those plates down gently than have them shatter all around me.

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You’re absolutely right about something having to give and I like the idea of consciously setting it down. I saw something about this earlier today around viewing it as being put to one side not forever, just for now. There will be a season for a tidy home and this is not it! Sending love to you and yours.❤️

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I loved reading this Jen. I love what you say about living in the thresholds and transitions, in some ways I feel like that’s where a lot of the fullness is. Wishing you much luck in your new chapter xx

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Thank you, Lyndsay. I think ‘fullness’ is absolutely to be found in those transitional times.✨

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Oh Jen I can so relate to this. I have been there when I came back off my first mat leave back to work in late 2020 which was odd as well for obvious reasons. But here I am again with the same feelings as I hope to get back to work more solidly once we can afford childcare for two (when 1 starts school in september) I have that same worry that I’m not going to do it all and plates will be dropped but I love the idea that the transitional time could lead to magic and new opportunities and could be a very good thing. 🙌🏻✨

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Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment, Kylie-Ann.❤️ It’s such a surreal point in the journey isn’t it? But yes, absolutely here for finding the magic in new seasons. All the best to you as you approach your own next chapter.x

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Thank you, Jen. And to you too.

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Super relatable! Struggling to manage all my roles, yet not wanting to do any role half-heartedly, is a constant hamster wheel that keeps breaking under the weight of it all. I’m trying to find my balance, and I will. One day!

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I love you unconditionally. Your writing is powerful. You are prepared to make yourself vulnerable and share your doubts and fears. You are amazing. ❤️

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